A Friday Afternoon On Isla Del Tigre
by Lorraine Caputo
A burro lumbers down the street
past the weather-eaten church
From its loudspeakers chamber music
drifts across the central park
Where people sit & talk
on walls, on benches
At small tables women prepare
chicken sandwiches for customers
Another barbecues strips of beef
on a wheel-hub-turned grill
A breeze freshens the humid air
On the north side of the plaza
balls clack in the billiard hall
The ceiling fan’s blades cut a shadow
over a man leaning on his pool cue
He looks out the open door
watching the burro wander by
… & another … a third …
… a sixth …
Lorraine Caputo’s poetry and travel narratives appear in over 300 journals on six continents, and 19 chapbooks – including On Galápagos Shores (dancing girl press, 2019). Her writing has been nominated for the Best of the Net. Caputo journeys through Latin America, listening to the voices of the pueblos and Earth. Follow her journeys: www.facebook.com/lorrainecaputo.wanderer.