Of Cold & a March Night
by Ralph Monday
The stars are spiraling borders retina-locked
like van Gogh’s kaleidoscope, maddening
swirls lording over dark cypresses
from a cold that envelopes me hauling
firewood fueled by a star & overhead
in the ancient vacuum the
filters down like the arctic in a London
tale. Even the calling owls know this
totem, the news that they etch into
each branch with primal claws,
glowing spheres caught by a hunter’s
pupils, the long nights they have known,
vast abyss above & below, no true
shelter but what the mind rationalizes.
I would say
come in and warm
your wings by the fire.
Ralph Monday is Professor of English at Roane State Community College in Harriman, TN. He is widely published in journals. His latest book is Bergman’s Island & Other Poems (Terror House Press, 2021). You can follow him on Twitter @RalphMonday.