
By Cian Onus

back when we used to look ahead of ourselves 
limbs and saliva entwined
every time we only saw behind
your lashes sweeping my cheeks
night sweat the morning dew
condensed on this body’s mismatches

you liked your morning toast soaked in red tea
a jar of honey to dip bread crusts in
all filled up with sweetness that panged, that caved in
so after, because afters are always recurrent,
chronic the way my tailbone pain is,
i only watch the honey crystallize
a single crust-shard in there
now a relic
now a keepsake

i know it will outlive us


Cian Onus (they/them) hails from the sprawling Balkans, from a mountain village that no longer exists. They are published in various magazines and publications in different languages. After a hiatus, they are now trying to catch up with all the titles on their to-read list. They can be found on Twitter - @OnixOnux