Todd Mercer – Bearsuit – 1

 Uncle Bearsuit

by Todd Mercer

Mom’s brother Remy would shout,
“Christ in a side-car!” and then launch into a disgusted rant
about the government or his fear that impoverished people
somewhere receive aid. He was as unpleasant as they come
but still rated a standing Thanksgiving invitation.
He used to kick it off yelling, “Well fuck me in a bear suit!”
This had all us cousins in stitches, but Grandma made him stop.
After Uncle Remy died of a massive stroke
when he was royally angry at the television,
it was twenty years before anyone
took up the Cranky Uncle mantle.
Friends, it’s heavy a.f.


Todd Mercer was nominated for Best of the Net in 2018. He won 1st, 2nd & 3rd place of the Kent County Dyer-Ives Poetry Prizes and the won Grand Rapids Festival Flash Fiction Prize. Todd’s work appears in: The Drabble, The Lake, The Magnolia Review, Praxis, and Softblow.